Princess Dental Staffing Directory

in Torrance, CA

Use our search feature to find the best dental offices in Torrance, CA.

Featured Dentists

Check out these exceptional dental offices.

Arthur G. Kaiser, DDS, Inc.'s profile picture

Arthur G. Kaiser, DDS, Inc.

Highly Recommended

Dental practice

Offices in Torrance, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Camarillo, CA, Bakersfield, CA, Arvin, CA, and San Pedro, CA

4.7 stars from 15 ratings
James W Mellert DDS's profile picture

James W Mellert DDS

Highly Recommended

Offices in Torrance, CA

4.6 stars from 14 ratings
David C. Suh DDS INC's profile picture

David C. Suh DDS INC

Highly Recommended

Comprehensive Dental Office

Offices in Torrance, CA

4.5 stars from 13 ratings

Search Results

for Dentists in Torrance, CA

Displaying 1 - 15 of 29 dentists

Arthur G. Kaiser, DDS, Inc.'s profile picture

Arthur G. Kaiser, DDS, Inc.

Highly Recommended

Dental practice

Offices in Torrance, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Camarillo, CA, Bakersfield, CA, Arvin, CA, and San Pedro, CA

4.7 stars from 15 ratings
James W Mellert DDS's profile picture

James W Mellert DDS

Highly Recommended

Offices in Torrance, CA

4.6 stars from 14 ratings
David C. Suh DDS INC's profile picture

David C. Suh DDS INC

Highly Recommended

Comprehensive Dental Office

Offices in Torrance, CA

4.5 stars from 13 ratings
MODERN DENTAL's profile picture



We are a private dental office in the city of Torrance practicing general dentistry, Orthodontic, Endodontic specialty. Our vision to ed...Read More

Offices in Torrance, CA

Skypark Dental Professionals's profile picture

Skypark Dental Professionals

Highly Recommended

Offices in Torrance, CA

4.6 stars from 8 ratings
Sachi & Co. Dentistry's profile picture

Sachi & Co. Dentistry

Highly Recommended

We are an upscale, top-rated, cosmetic dental office located in Torrance. We treat every patient like a VIP.

Offices in Torrance, CA

4.6 stars from 5 ratings
Paul P. Soroudi, DDS, & Associates's profile picture

Paul P. Soroudi, DDS, & Associates

Highly Recommended

We are a high-quality and long-established private dental office in Torrance, Ca, in the same location for the past 43 years. We treat on...Read More

Offices in Torrance, CA

4.7 stars from 3 ratings


Highly Recommended

General Dentistry Office

Offices in Torrance, CA

5.0 stars from 2 ratings
carolyn j doherty dds's profile picture

carolyn j doherty dds

Highly Recommended

Private practice general dentistry

Offices in Torrance, CA

5.0 stars from 2 ratings
Adriana Barrera DDS, Inc's profile picture

Adriana Barrera DDS, Inc

Highly Recommended

Offices in Torrance, CA and TORRANCE, CA

5.0 stars from 1 rating
Chan & Huang Dental 's profile picture

Chan & Huang Dental

Private dental office. NO HMO's. Diverse pool of patients. Unique to area because we have dental lab and tech on site.

Offices in Torrance, CA

PCH & CHERRY DENTAL's profile picture


Offices in Torrance, CA

Hamilton H. Le, D.M.D., A.P.C.'s profile picture

Hamilton H. Le, D.M.D., A.P.C.

We are a long standing dental practice in Torrance, CA.

Offices in Torrance, CA

carolyn j doherty dds's profile picture

carolyn j doherty dds

We are a small private practice with a friendly helpful staff. Hygienists see one patient per hour.

Offices in Torrance, CA

J. Sebastian Moran, DDS's profile picture

J. Sebastian Moran, DDS

Offices in Torrance, CA

Featured Story

Dental Hygiene Temping

Interested in dental hygiene temping? Princess Dental Staffing has the actionable tips for setting your own schedule and pay.

Chris Lewandowski

February 27, 2025

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