Princess Dental Staffing Directory

in Los Angeles, CA

Use our search feature to find the best dental offices in Los Angeles, CA.

Featured Dentists

Check out these exceptional dental offices.

Jason Cellars, DDS, A Professional Dental Corporation's profile picture

Jason Cellars, DDS, A Professional Dental Corporation

Highly Recommended

Dental office looking for an assistant for one week in November because both of my assistants will be out that week.

Offices in Huntington Beach, CA and Los Angeles, CA

4.8 stars from 26 ratings
Union Dental Center's profile picture

Union Dental Center

Highly Recommended

We are a family dental clinic serving our LA patients since 1980! We are family-owned since 1980 and provide care for the entire family!

Offices in Los Angeles, CA

4.8 stars from 18 ratings
Arthur G. Kaiser, DDS, Inc.'s profile picture

Arthur G. Kaiser, DDS, Inc.

Highly Recommended

Dental practice

Offices in Torrance, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Camarillo, CA, Bakersfield, CA, Arvin, CA, and San Pedro, CA

4.7 stars from 15 ratings

Search Results

for Dentists in Los Angeles, CA

Displaying 1 - 15 of 157 dentists

Dental Views's profile picture

Dental Views

Temporary workers ARE NOT EMPLOYEES and are required to complete a federal W9 form prior to working. Check dates are generally every Friday.

Offices in Vista, CA, Temecula, CA, Chino, CA, Fullerton, CA, Goodyear, AZ, Glendale, AZ, Riverside, CA, Gilbert, AZ, Murrieta, CA, San Bernardino, CA, Mesa, AZ, Los Angeles, CA, and Los Alamitos, CA

Orange Hill Dental Group's profile picture

Orange Hill Dental Group

General Dentistry

Offices in Los Angeles, CA, Santa Monica, CA, and Orange, CA

Washington Dental Arts's profile picture

Washington Dental Arts


Private dental office looking to add great people to our family.

Offices in Hawthorne, CA, Lakewood, CA, Whittier, CA, Downey, CA, Carson, CA, Lomita, CA, and Los Angeles, CA

Find Your Smile Aesthetics 's profile picture

Find Your Smile Aesthetics


Offices in Los Angeles, CA

Jason Cellars, DDS, A Professional Dental Corporation's profile picture

Jason Cellars, DDS, A Professional Dental Corporation

Highly Recommended

Dental office looking for an assistant for one week in November because both of my assistants will be out that week.

Offices in Huntington Beach, CA and Los Angeles, CA

4.8 stars from 26 ratings
Restore Dental's profile picture

Restore Dental


Restore Dental is a premier dental practice located in the vibrant heart of downtown Los Angeles, dedicated to providing comprehensive care

Offices in South Gate, CA and Los Angeles, CA

Union Dental Center's profile picture

Union Dental Center

Highly Recommended

We are a family dental clinic serving our LA patients since 1980! We are family-owned since 1980 and provide care for the entire family!

Offices in Los Angeles, CA

4.8 stars from 18 ratings
Esthetic Smile Dental 's profile picture

Esthetic Smile Dental


A Caring Dentist For The Whole Family

Offices in Los Angeles, CA

Arthur G. Kaiser, DDS, Inc.'s profile picture

Arthur G. Kaiser, DDS, Inc.

Highly Recommended

Dental practice

Offices in Torrance, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Camarillo, CA, Bakersfield, CA, Arvin, CA, and San Pedro, CA

4.7 stars from 15 ratings
Dr. Dan's Pediatric Dentistry's profile picture

Dr. Dan's Pediatric Dentistry

Highly Recommended

Offices in Los Angeles, CA and Glendale, CA

4.8 stars from 13 ratings
Fuller Smiles's profile picture

Fuller Smiles


Fuller Smiles offers Southern Californians exemplary dental care in a warm, welcoming environment at their Culver City, Long Beach, and R...Read More

Offices in Culver City, CA, Long Beach, CA, New York, NY, Los Angeles, CA, Huntington Park, CA, and Santa Monica, CA

ANGELENO SMILE's profile picture


Multi specialty dental practice

Offices in Los Angeles, CA

Concierge Dentistry 's profile picture

Concierge Dentistry

Highly Recommended

Offices in Los Angeles, CA

5.0 stars from 9 ratings
Mercado Dental Corporation's profile picture

Mercado Dental Corporation

We're a private dental practice who's goal is help our patients keep their teeth for life.

Offices in Downey, CA and Los Angeles, CA

Dental Solutions LAX's profile picture

Dental Solutions LAX

Highly Recommended

Offices in Los Angeles, CA

4.8 stars from 8 ratings
Featured Story

Dental Branding

How to develop your dental brand, including why dental branding is important for both patients and employees.

Chris Lewandowski

March 21, 2025

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