Princess Dental Staffing Directory

in San Clemente, CA

Use our search feature to find the best dental offices in San Clemente, CA.

Featured Dentists

Check out these exceptional dental offices.

DAPPER DENTISTRY INC's profile picture


Highly Recommended

Established dental office in San Clemente

Offices in San Clemente, CA

5.0 stars from 6 ratings
David J. Hinrichs, DDS's profile picture

David J. Hinrichs, DDS

Highly Recommended

Dr. Hinrichs has been practicing dentistry in San Clemente, CA since 2001.

Offices in San Clemente, CA

5.0 stars from 5 ratings
Portside Dentistry's profile picture

Portside Dentistry

Highly Recommended

Beautiful established private PPO dental office in a medical building close to the beach.

Offices in Whittier, CA, Lake Forest, CA, San Clemente, CA, and Newport, CA

5.0 stars from 2 ratings

Search Results

for Dentists in San Clemente, CA

Displaying all 8 dentists

DAPPER DENTISTRY INC's profile picture


Highly Recommended

Established dental office in San Clemente

Offices in San Clemente, CA

5.0 stars from 6 ratings
David J. Hinrichs, DDS's profile picture

David J. Hinrichs, DDS

Highly Recommended

Dr. Hinrichs has been practicing dentistry in San Clemente, CA since 2001.

Offices in San Clemente, CA

5.0 stars from 5 ratings
Portside Dentistry's profile picture

Portside Dentistry

Highly Recommended

Beautiful established private PPO dental office in a medical building close to the beach.

Offices in Whittier, CA, Lake Forest, CA, San Clemente, CA, and Newport, CA

5.0 stars from 2 ratings
Dr. Erini P Redmond DDS's profile picture

Dr. Erini P Redmond DDS

Offices in San Clemente, CA

Shoreline Dental Studio's profile picture

Shoreline Dental Studio

We are a growth oriented dental practice which delivers exceptional dental care, an outstanding work culture, and positively impacts our ...Read More

Offices in San Clemente, CA and Mission Viejo, CA

James E Sorge, DMD's profile picture

James E Sorge, DMD


Offices in San Clemente, CA

Artistic Dentistry's profile picture

Artistic Dentistry

Front office staff

Offices in San Clemente, CA

SC Dental Corp's profile picture

SC Dental Corp

New office.

Offices in Beverly Hills, CA and San Clemente, CA

Featured Story

Dental Branding

How to develop your dental brand, including why dental branding is important for both patients and employees.

Chris Lewandowski

March 21, 2025

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