Dentists: Avoid this occupational hazard!

Practice management issues lead to worry. But how do you know when it's more than stress?

Burnout is an issue that everyone may face. So let’s talk about what it is and how to help.

What is Burnout

Burnout is a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. 

Related: Learn more about burnout at the Mayo Clinic


When you feel overworked and overwhelmed, you’re probably experiencing burnout. 

Irritable? Cynical? Critical? 

It may be burnout...


Some people may call these consequences. But here are some of the symptoms you may experience as a result of burnout:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Lack of motivation

Burnout Rate

In one study, researchers found that 40% of dentist participants were affected by emotional exhaustion, and almost half felt some degree of burnout. 78% of female participants were affected by emotional stress.

Physicians vs. Dentists

Who has it worse when it comes to burnout rate? You may see a list of physician burnout rates here. Over 50% of physicians, regardless of the type of practice, experienced burnout. Comparably, physicians win this one, and I'm okay with that...  

How to Cure It

Many strategies for dealing with burnout include getting enough rest, establishing healthy boundaries between work and personal life, taking breaks, and engaging in activities that bring joy. 

Other options include:

  • stress management workshops
  • professional help
  • counseling services
  • support networks

Self-care is vital to avoiding burnout. So you may want to consider using something like the self-care wheel to prioritize your self-care.

Related: The Harvard Business Review offers advice for how to beat burnout.

How to help 

You may be wondering how to help a dentist experiencing burnout.

The ADA answered, sharing that staying engaged was vital. Having a collegial community, self-care, family, spirituality, and gratitude were all important aspects of mitigating burnout.

Have someone to talk to

Dentists should have someone to talk to about their daily stresses. This kind of support system has helped many doctors address burnout. 

Related: ADA Wellness

Dentist Burnout on Reddit

Reddit users have a lot to share about burnout.

For example, DiamondBurInTheRough mentioned on Reddit that dentists should make sure to take time for themselves. For example, not working a 10-hour day, five days a week.

box _dropper reminds dentists that a lot of the stress comes from running a business. Things like hiring cause stress, but you don't have to do everything yourself. Sometimes you can let others step in and do the hiring for you…

Hint: We included that because it's a shameless plug for our service.

Drdrillaz shares that to avoid burnout, dentists need hobbies. The best part is, anything that brings you happiness qualifies. While practicing dentistry may be rough, enjoying things that make you happy makes it all worthwhile.

What’s your advice for burnout?

Chris Lewandowski

Published June 14, 2023

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