Are you in search of your next permanent position as a dental assistant? 

Want to know how to craft an outstanding dental assistant resume that sparkles like a well-polished smile? 


Why you shouldn't just put your skills as a dental assistant on your resume and what to do instead.

We've compiled resume writing tips and dental assistant resume examples to assist you in creating a standout resume that will give you the best chance of landing the job you want in 2023.

Let's get started…

5 Ways to Write an Exceptional Dental Assistant Resume

Here are five ways to write an exceptional dental assistant resume: 

  1. Start with the Best Format

Dental assistants help dentists in providing effective care. They offer necessary services like X-Ray operation, record-keeping, 4 or 6 handed dentistry, and procedure preparation.

There is more to a solid dental assistant resume than listing those skills. It exhibits snapshots of when you've used them before. So, it should start with clean and proper formatting: 

  • The reverse chronological format should be used
  • Use Arial or Cambria in 10–12 point size as appropriate fonts
  • Put white space in between the parts and use 1-inch margins
  • Create a one-page resume
  • Use the Header, Objective, Experience, Education, Skills, and "Additional" sections on your resume
  1. Create a Catchy Objective or Summary 

Impressions are important. Make yours by beginning with a resume objective or a career summary.

Here's how to write a resume objective for a dental assistant:

  • Use 1-2 adjectives
  • Include the job title (Dental Assistant)
  • Experience (4+, 5+ years)
  • How you'll assist
  • Best accomplishments

Here are Two Examples of Dental Assistant Resume Objectives:

1.  "Passionate certified dental assistant with __+ years experience, seeking to provide excellent preparation and documentation at ___________ through skills in 4-handed dentistry and X-Ray operation. At ____________, maintained 99% positive patient rating for __ years."


2. "Efficient and friendly dental assistant, skilled in 4-handed dentistry and procedure preparation. As a dental assistant, received frequent commendations from Drs. ______________ and ______________ for efficient procedure preparation. Scored ____% on ____________________ exam and ____________________ exam.” 

Want more examples of dental assistant objectives, check out our guide here

  1. Don't Forget Sections for Skills and the Positions you have Held

Your dental assistant resume needs your employment history. Include proof of your skills.

How to construct a dental assistant job description for resumes:

  • To learn more about the needs of the dentist, look at the job posting
  • List the skills and responsibilities you see
  • Reflect on a time when you have used those things and demonstrate what those experiences in your resume 
  • Include figures to illustrate the impact you had

Dental assistant duties for Resume:

  • Providing patient care 
  • Handling dental X-Rays
  • Assisting in dental procedures
  • Scheduling appointments 
  • Billing and record keeping 

These are routine duties. Remember to customize them to the job description and, if applicable, add any examples that highlight your skill. It's much preferable to say that you just provided the care rather than that it resulted in extremely high patient satisfaction.

  1. Make your Education a Reason to Hire you

Most of the time, a dental degree is optional to apply for positions as dental assistants. But you must demonstrate your education in a way that appeals to them.

  1. Create a Resume with Bonus Sections

Additionally, you must demonstrate your versatility to the dentist.

Use these "extra" sections on your resume:

  • Certifications
  • Additional Activities
  • Freelance Work
  • Conferences
  • Volunteer Experience
  • Continuing Education
  • Foreign Languages
  • Honors
  • Publications
  • Professional Associations (ADAA)

Up next, tips for writing your dental resume as an assistant . . . 

Resumé Writing Tips for Dental Assistants

Here are three tips for writing your resume as a dental assistant: 

  1. Showcase Your Knowledge of Dental Care

You should include details about your knowledge of dentistry terminology and medical care in your resume to set it apart from the competition. 

Highlighting important terms will show that you have the skills necessary to thrive in the role. Hiring managers prefer dental assistants that have a thorough understanding of oral care.

  1. Highlight Your Communication and Patient Care Skills

Dental patients frequently express or demonstrate anxiety during oral health procedures. This is especially true when using drills and needles.

It is important to remember to highlight your experience with patient care on your resume.


Dentists value applicants who can effectively communicate with patients and assist them in navigating dental appointments without undue stress or anxiety. 

  1. Match Your Resume to the Job Description

When you want a new position as a dental assistant, you don't just apply to every opening for a dental assistant. It would be beneficial to look for a job that best suits your needs, interests, values, and skill set. The same is true for employers who review each resume and cover letter they receive, weeding out those that do not precisely match their requirements and giving opportunities to those who do.

To capitalize on this dynamic and make your resume stand out, make an effort to match the details in your profile and previous experiences to what the employer has stated as important to them. One way to show that you are precisely the person they are looking for is to mirror what they say, from the specific skills they list to the soft skill words and verbs they use in their job description.

The number of years of experience, credentials, dental treatment expertise, or experience with a particular patient population are just a few examples of these specifics. Once you've determined what they might be, open your resume and include them. Although it might seem insignificant, it will have a significant effect.

Using action verbs and critical skills is another effective strategy for matching your resume to a job description.

What does that look like? Let's find out next . . . 

Common Key Skills and Action Verbs for Dental Assistant Resumes

Here are lists of common key skills and action verbs for dental assistant resumes: 

Key Skills & Proficiencies:

  • Administrative Support
  • Certified Dental Assistant (CDA)
  • Communication
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Dental Assisting
  • Dental Care
  • Dental Hygiene
  • Dental Impressions
  • Dentistry
  • Infection Control
  • Infection Prevention
  • Instrument Sterilization
  • Invisalign
  • Intraoral Procedures
  • Oral Surgery
  • OSHA Safety
  • Patient Education
  • Root Canals
  • Restorative Dentistry
  • Sterilization
  • Tooth Extraction
  • X-rays

Action Verbs:

  • Administered
  • Analyzed
  • Conducted
  • Coordinated
  • Collaborated
  • Delivered
  • Developed
  • Diagnosed
  • Drove
  • Enhanced
  • Evaluated
  • Executed
  • Identified
  • Interfaced
  • Improved
  • Led
  • Managed
  • Oversaw
  • Performed
  • Provided
  • Resolved

Now on to dental assistant resume examples . . . 

3 Dental Assistant Resume Examples 

The following are three examples of dental resumes: 

Example 1 - Entry Level Dental Assistant Resume

Jane Doe

Phone #



A Certified Dental Assistant with expertise in intra-oral procedures, patient care, dentistry, and communication. Adept at providing dental professionals with medical support and calming patients during oral surgery and treatments.


  • Name of Program

Name of School, Address – Month Year to Month Year

Professional Experience

  • Role, Company Name, Address

Month Year — Month Year

Key Skills

  • Oral Care
  • Patient Education
  • X-ray Exams
  • Surgical Support
  • Intra-oral Techniques

Example 2 - Mid-Career  Dental Assistant Resume

Jane Doe

Phone #



A Certified Dental Assistant with four years of experience providing dental care to both adult and pediatric patients. A track record of effectively engaging with patients to alleviate their anxiety during dental procedures and ensure customer satisfaction.

Professional Experience

  • Role, Company Name, Address

Month Year — Month Year


  • Name of Program

Name of School, Address – Month Year to Month Year

Key Skills

  • Dental Care
  • Infection Control Procedures
  • Patient Education
  • Oral Hygiene
  • Communication


  • Dental Assistant (RDA)
  • Certified Dental Technician
  • Certified Dental Assistant (CDA)
  • Infection Control Certification (CIC)
  • Certified Preventive Functions Dental Assistant (CPFDA)

Example 3 - Senior-Level  Dental Assistant Resume

Jane Doe

Phone #



A Certified Dental Assistant with expertise in oral hygiene, dental surgery, communication, and infection control. A strong history of teaching patients the best ways to care for their oral health.

Professional Experience

  • Role, Company Name, Address

Month Year — Month Year


  • Name of Program

Name of School, Address – Month Year to Month Year

Key Skills

  • General precautions and instrument sterilization
  • Educating patients on oral health
  • Assisting dentists with procedures involving high-anxiety patients
  • Using dental practice software to keep track of patient data


  • Dental Assistant (RDA)
  • Certified Dental Technician
  • Certified Dental Assistant (CDA)
  • Infection Control Certification (CIC)
  • Certified Preventive Functions Dental Assistant (CPFDA)

Chris Lewandowski

Published January 04, 2023

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